

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The climate is good for scalable investments and disruptive technologies, but what about zombie companies and the threat of interest rate rises?

The tax climate has arguably never been better for investors and particularly those wishing to take advantage of the tax breaks available through EIS and Seed EIS.

Many of these investors are looking to back disruptive technologies that can break new ground and shift the playing field. They are looking for opportunities that can be scaled quickly, on a worldwide basis, through digital marketing channels. At this end of the spectrum, the pace of change is both fast and relentless, driven by the need to retain "first mover advantage", particularly where it is difficult to secure IP on a global basis.

At the other end of the spectrum we have what has become known as the "zombie companies" that remain constrained by both their debt and their often outdated business models. These companies are in a circle which is spiralling the wrong way. Now that the indicators are there for interest rates to rise this could force the position, and these businesses should seek help whilst they still have options.

At Secantor we have the resources and capability to deal with both ends of the spectrum, and everything in between. It is not just about knowledge, although that is hugely important to us as an organisation, where knowledge sharing is a way of life, but also about our connections and credibility with providers of both debt and equity.

Nigel Bacon
Secantor CEO
Fulfilling Business Potential

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